Logo and Elements

There are two campuses in San Diego and we rolled out a fall campaign to spruce of the grounds with fall posters, flyers, mailers, and digital assets. I started with sketches and then concepts before rolling out final logo and assets and color palette.

Phase 1 - Sketches

Phase 2 - Concepts and Color

Phase 3 - Final Logo, Elements, and Colors

Building Alliances to Thrive

The San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance has alliances around the world that help support animals and their native habitats.
After thoughtful consideration I helped update the design for this map that highlights those areas globally.

San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance Branded
Gorilla COVID-19 Presentation

Zoo Chews - Candy Labels

San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance Summer Campaign Posters

Evening with the Directors - Printed invitations

Evening with the Directors - Digital invitation


Active&Fit Direct


The Home Depot